Wake Up!!!!! Its Monday August 25th Roll Call

on 8/24/08 7:35 pm - Bradenton, FL
Well Well Well!!!!! I see noone started the morning thread today. I got up to see what was happening and wahla nothing so I decided to start the day out.
My coffee if brewing and it is still dark outside.
Today is a rather ordinary day. Work is all that is planned.
What is up with all of you!!!!!
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on 8/24/08 7:47 pm - Antioch, TN
I am up early as always as I have to be at work at 2:00am, yikes!!! I'd rather be but I like to eat and shop......lol. Have a good week!


Joyce S.
on 8/24/08 7:59 pm - Dennis, MA
Good Morning Carla & Friends,
   Ughhhh it's too early to be up but I am.  I had my shower and just poured a cup of freshly brewed coffee. We have to leave here in an hour to be at the hospital for my pre op appointment.I can hardly believe that Labor Day is only one week away. This summer seemed to hurry past. We had a great weekend. Saturday was my birthday so John took us out for breakfast and then to a few yardsales , then we walked and walked all over a huge flea market. He got me a couple big perrenials there... one was a topiary styled fuschia and the other was a topiary lantana..... I can expect the hummingbirds and butterflys to come flocking to them this next spring.We went out for dinner as well and to top off the evening we played Phase 10 dice and I won ! Thank you to so many who wished me birthday happiness - I got it.
   Time to go get John up and get dressed- I'll check back in later.

Joyce S.

on 8/24/08 8:34 pm - Bradenton, FL
Happy Birthday. I didnt know it was your birthday. glad your day was so good.
Good luck on your surgery.
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Jan C.
on 8/24/08 9:50 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Joyce good to see you on the board of course i dont get on often anymore either. guess i missed the post that you were haveing surgery on what? have a great day today.



Joyce S.
on 8/25/08 2:33 am - Dennis, MA
Hi Jan,
    I'm having  Carotid Artery Surgery on my right side this time - on Sept 3. They did the left side Dec 29.'06. I told the Dr when I saw him last Friday that I'd let him do this one on one condition..... he had to make the scars identical..call it a "girl thing" .... symmetry is important  dontcha know..... if I have to have big long scars running down both sides of my neck then they should be the same.... he said you got it , no problem ....
    The first one finally faded enough that it's not like a neon sign now but.... I still see it boldly blaring at me.But what choice do I have - get them fixed , have two huge gashes for the whole world to see or the alternative which is not acceptable either ( as in dead or severely disabled  from strokes ).Both blockages the were/are at 90- 95 %... I'm so very lucky to have something only 25 % of humans have.... a "Complete Circle Of Willis".... in a nutshell it's like this .... we all have 2 carotids.... the left and right ,,, running up either sides of our necks... they each branch into 2- one half goes up to feed half the brain the other half our faces.... left supplies the left side - right supplies the right side ---- well most folks' remain seperate.... but if you have the completed circle of willis they've managed to connect to make a complete circle of circulation of blood and oxygen. So when they did the worst artery  first it took the urgency from getting the other one done.... but now the blockage is bad enough and the risk too high of a stroke because of it to wait any longer. My grandma died of strokes and my mom had numerous ones.. each one leaving more damage than the last...
  I know you're a nurse and would know a lot of this stuff but I figured an explanation for someone who doesn't have your training would like to know.

Joyce S.

Jan C.
on 8/25/08 4:25 am - Cedar Creek, MO
man that is a real bummer isnt it? and leave it to you to be unique...lol which in this case isnt good. but hang in there God is good and the Doctors are his hands and eyes. so im sure that God isnt thru with you yet here so it will be good and you will be good . I will be praying for you on Sept 3rh. love and hugs



on 8/24/08 11:59 pm
love your new pic Joyce......:)

Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.

We are flexible.


Joyce S.
on 8/25/08 2:57 am - Dennis, MA
Thanks Darlene,
    It was taken on August 3rd when we went to The Boston Pops  Esplanade Orchestra concert , it's called Pops By The Sea in Hyannis . John and I volunteered to work for it this year - we worked the morning before doing set up..... for doing it we each earned 2 tickets ( gave 2 away to family , kept 2 for us ). Plus a tshirt with the logo on it. We enjoyed the concert a bunch, got there at 12, gates open at 1, brought a folding chair , cooler and umbrellas. Concert began at 5, done at 7. We stayed after and also worked clean up, was given pizza and soda and a gazillion thank you 's.Left for home at 9... pooped but happy.We even said we'd do it again next year.

Joyce S.

on 8/25/08 12:42 am, edited 8/25/08 12:43 am
 C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S .......  AND .......   BELATED .. HAPPY  BIRTHDAY             There is certainly room for you on the losers bench.....  you are well on your way to a new you and new lifestyle ....  enjoy the journey.      Millie
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